Online Poker Rules - Learn the Right Way to Play Poker

Filed under: , by: Cameron Love

Poker is simply played with the goal of making cash. Before the game starts, the players together have to agree on a betting limit. To play Poker, one has to understand the basic rules of the game.

Before the game starts, each player has to keep an ante or ‘token bet’ into the pot. It assures that there will be something after win on each hand.

After that the cards are dealt by the dealer. It starts from the player who is to his left side and then it works clockwise. The last man will be the dealer himself. As soon as everyone gets 5 cards, the rest of the deck is kept on the table and then the game starts.

The first player has to place the bet. But who would be the first one? The game can be started from the person who sits to the left side of the dealer. The person to his left will bet first in the next hand and it will continue like this.

Players will have a number of choices in the first round. If no one has made a bet, you will have two choices: Open (It means that you have to bet first) and Check (Here you have to decide what to do). If someone has already started betting, you will have three choices: See (Seeing another player means that you match his bet), Raise (You first have to see the previous bet and then increase it) and Fold (It means giving up).

At this time, players who haven’t folded yet can chuck out the cards they want and take some new ones. A player is allowed to get rid of up to 3 cards and get up to 3 new ones in place of them.

After each of the players take up to 3 new cards, the betting starts once again. You will have the five options again.

Now it is the time of result. The player who has the highest hand wins the pot.

The only way to continue the game is no to fold. But if you really have a bad hand, you would think of folding.